When you’re on the water, time spent doing anything that does not involve working baits and lures in the strike zone takes away from your ability to maximize your catch rate. So when you can employ a small, simple, fail-safe product that will make changing lures and flies an easy, lightning-fast proposition, why wouldn’t you? That’s what Al’s Kwik Klips from Al’s Goldfish Lure Company will do for you.

The different sizes of Kwik Klips allows you to vary your bait sizes, and you can put different-sized Kwik Klips on different rods, which lets me quickly change from using a 1/2 oz. Al’s Goldfish lure on one rod, to using a 3/16 oz. Goldfish on a differ- ent rod. Best of all, Kwik Klips have the strength to pull in fish of all sizes without fail.

Use the smallest sizes (small/ medium) when vertical jigging while ice fishing, and the medium/large/extra-large sizes when casting and trolling in open water, depending on the size of the lure you’re using. You can use them to successfully land everything from small panfish to me- dium-sized bass and walleye to large northern pike.

Al’s Kwik Klips will never let your fly or lure whip off your line, and allow all lures and flies to be presented with their intended natural action. Sim-

ply tie one onto the end of your line, quickly and easily slip different lures and flies onto the Kwik Klip, and Bam! You’re ready to get back into action.

They come in four sizes: A (Small) – up to 9 lbs.; B (Medium) – up to 11 lbs.; C (large) – up to 21 lbs.; and D (Extra Large) – up to 40 lbs.



NAO is the window into the outside environment for readers pursuing their passions in hunting, fishing, camping, canoeing/kayaking, rock climbing, and all pursuits in the outdoors on the North American continent. We will present stories, tips and techniques to be a better outdoorsman, and be completely at home in the outdoor environment for a day, week, or a lifetime.

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