The TRUEBLADE Knife is a formidable EDC. This lightweight option is a strong contender for anyone who needs or values having a useful bladed tool on them at all times. The black oxide finished 420 stainless steel blade is 2.75 inches and partially ser- rated, making it useful for a wide variety of tasks and materials. From boxes to leather, this knife will make easy work of it.

There is an integrated pocket clip on one side for carrying within a pocket or bag. At four. ounces, it will be ready for use without weighing anyone down or feeling uncomfortable. This is partially thanks to the skeletonized aluminum frame construction and minimal liner lock. When deployed, the 420 Stainless Steel is hearty and durable. Strong enough to maintain an edge with extended use but also very easy to sharpen.

The overall design is unique and quite stylish. Bi-colored pieces of the frame make a statement while being topped with friction grooves for more control of use. They are well rounded so as not to create hot spots on the palm of the hand with strenuous use. There’s a small thumb stud to ma- nipulate the blade, which makes it easy to open and close one-handed.

These great features and design elements are a great addition to anyone’s style and appearance while still retaining reliable functionality. The design finds itself at home in any user’s hand or pocket with a timeless Clip Point blade. This is truly a knife worth holding onto, sharing, and showing off.


NAO is the window into the outside environment for readers pursuing their passions in hunting, fishing, camping, canoeing/kayaking, rock climbing, and all pursuits in the outdoors on the North American continent. We will present stories, tips and techniques to be a better outdoorsman, and be completely at home in the outdoor environment for a day, week, or a lifetime.

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