Author: Josh Honeycutt

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I’ve been an outdoor communicator since 2010. Since then, I’ve been blessed with a full-time career in the outdoors, and I’ve worked for most of the major hunting magazines and websites, including Field & Stream and Outdoor Life. As a deer and turkey hunter, these are the topics I cover most, but I also dabble in other areas, too, including conservation, predator hunting, small game hunting, and more.

Winter is a difficult time for Whitetails. As food sources decline and diminish, deer frantically search for remaining food sources. Finding these morsels can be difficult. That’s why land managers should plant and provide options for Whitetails. They will help the deer herd and also result in better hunting experiences. Here are 15 of the best late-season food plots for deer and deer hunters. For the best brands and additional tips to consider – check out North American Deer Hunter’s “Best Deer Food Plot Seed” Alfalfa Though this is the king of early-season food sources, it can be an…

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Your AIl-Inclusive Guide to Off-Season Scouting and Preparation In hunting, there’s much to be done during the off- season. It’s all in the pursuit of maximizing your success next season. Each task is for a purpose. That said, except for seasonal jobs, such as well-timed food plots and glassing velvet, don’t wait to do something that can be done now. Get as much work as possible done during the off-season. The following list recommends some of those tasks. REFLECT ON OBSERVATIONS Now is the time to reflect on deer season. Think about everything that transpired. Consider each trip afield. Make…

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Tips and tactics to keep you running hot for your deer hunt, even when it’s cold outside A huge deer exits the cedar thicket and walks slowly toward the standing soybeans. Cautious as ever, he eases through the standing timber, each step more calculated than the last. Eventually, he’s within range and you prepare for the shot. That’s a scene every hunter hopes for. But here’s the question: are you ready for it? WHY LATE IS GREAT The late season is an excellent time to target cold- weather bucks. First, deer are grouped up around the best available bedding and…

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The Challenges of Bowhunting Wild Turkeys Those who bow hunt turkeys are up against a big challenge. They’re working hard to overcome significant odds. As such, they need all the knowledge and help they can get to fill that archery turkey tag. Here’s a detailed guide on bowhunting wild turkeys. The Right Equipment Selecting the right bow and arrow setup will vary for each hunter. I personally prefer a bow with a shorter axle-to- axle, especially if bowhunting on the ground without a ground blind. Selecting a broadhead is more universal, though. Some bowhunters like to aim at the head…

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There’s an explanation for why that mature buck you’ve been following suddenly disappears. Deer hunters who run trail cameras have experienced voids left by monster bucks that suddenly disappear. Oftentimes, we call these ghosts—and bestow them synonymous names for their cunningness and ability to evade death. But bucks aren’t ghosts. They’re just ghosting us. Or, at the least, there is a very real explanation for their sudden disappearance. Here are eight reasons why these disappearances can happen, and what you can do about them. 1. Environmental Changes One of the biggest reasons deer leave is a result of changes to…

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Identify these hinderances, and then diagnose them Throw an antler over your shoulder in the middle of a brush-covered forest and see how long it takes to find it. Go on. Give it a good chuck. Then set that timer. You might get lucky and spot it right away. Or you might not (even with the hint of knowing it’s there). More times than not, it’ll take a bit to rediscover it. All said, if you have a hard time finding sheds for real, you’re probably making some of these mistakes. Correct them, and get that white gold. 1. You…

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