Author: Amanda Lynn Mayhew

This is award-winning, tough outdoorswoman is a product of Northern Ontario, the Creator of Just Hunt INC. and producer and host of THAT Hunting Girl. This young woman has proved her worth as an athlete, inspirational speaker, angler, power sports enthusiast, sport shooting advocate, and an accomplished hunter whose mission it is to pass on the passion to our future.
Women in the hunting industry are empowering others with educational and informational programs, events and seminars. These events are inspired by the desire to welcome more outdoorswomen to our community. Since I was taught to safely use firearms and hunt ethically, I have been passing those qualities on to as many others as possible by joining events, creating my own, and offering opportunities to give back. This has occurred for me not only in the field, but by speaking about it across the nation through numerous sportsman trade shows and wildlife federation dinners. These occasions provide a perfect chance to…
It is natural for me to want to show others how something works. I am a mom, and my passion is watching individuals learn and process information in a safe and useful manner. Creating Women’s Range Days back in 2011 was an event I never gave a second thought. I had been working in a gun store at the counter selling firearms and mounting scopes. Eventually, word made its way around town that a female was working in the store. That made it more comfortable for women to venture into the retailer to ask me questions about hunting and shooting.…