Author: Glen Helgeland

Glenn Helgeland has been an outdoor magazine editor and writer since 1968, an outdoor book author since 1972, and an outdoor book publisher since 1983. He and his wife, Judy, began Target Communications Corp in 1980 and ran the company until 2011. Their company published 18 books on archery, bowhunting, black powder and wild game cooking, From 1985 through 2011 their company produced annual deer-and-turkey-hunting expos in Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois, Ohio and Tennessee. They sold the expos to the owners of Field & Stream/Outdoor Life in 2011. In retirement, they continued the company as Target Communications Outdoor Books. Glenn has been a bowhunting columnist for Fins & Feathers, American Hunter, North American Hunter and Bowhunting World. He has sold freelance articles to most of the national hunting and bowhunting magazines. Glenn has made two hunting trips to Africa. He has received awards from the Wisconsin Buck and Bear Club, Wisconsin Bowhunters Association, was the recipient of the Cabela's Lifetime Achievement Award in 2012, presented at the NSSF International Trade show in Las Vegas. He continues to hunt whitetail deer and black bears, and to write about them. To order his "On Target" series of outdoor books, go to
Marinating any meat will improve its flavor, taste and appeal. With wild game, marinating may also remove or mask any real or perceived gamey taste or aroma the meat may have. If you haven’t prepared meat this way, you should. Marinating simply breaks down meat fibers and gives added flavor. You have several marinating options: Any acid-based liquid will work as a marinade, such as a weak vinegar-water solution (1 cup vinegar to 1 gallon water). Other acid-based items include: • milk • citric juices (orange, lemon, lime, grapefruit, clementines, tangerines) • Italian salad dressing • tomato juice. Tomato juice…
The BOG Death Grip is a well-named, well-thought-out, well-constructed piece of versatile hardware for rifle hunters and crossbow hunters. Its many features need to be addressed individually, but, first, an overview. Using it, you can easily shoot from four positions: Standing, Seated on a stool or seated on your butt. Kneeling or Prone. If you find this review helpful and plan on purchasing one, you can do so using the best price we found on the internet at this link where we earn a commission at no additional charge to you: The BOG Deathgrip TriPod for ($127-$142) This unit has…