Author: Ben Cole

Ben Cole was raised in northeast Alabama, where he learned the ways of the woods from his father. He has spent over 20 years hunting a variety of animal species across the United States. He is a published outdoor content writer, an avid wildlife photographer, and multifaceted marketing strategist. His wonderful wife, Melissa, pushes his creativity and shares his big dreams. Currently, he is working to complete the North American Grand Slam. He loves to share how Christ changes his life daily. His outdoor show, Rooted Television, debuts in the spring of 2022.


Here’s to Passing On the Traditions of Hunting Hunting is something that means more than simply harvesting an animal. It also means spending  quality  family  time  around  a campfire, meeting new friends, putting in off-season work, and listening to stories from times of old. Around the age of six, my father made great efforts to teach me the ways of hunting, and those lessons have stuck with me to this day. Quite frankly, hunting kept me out of a lot of trouble, because that’s what I focused my attention on (aside from God). Taking the time to introduce kids to…

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