Author: Ken Cull

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Growing up in Southern Ontario, Ken Cull enjoys spending time hunting, fishing, guiding and camping. Over the past 40 years, the majority of his big game hunting pursuits have been conducted with a crossbow. As an outdoor writer, his articles and product reviews mostly centering around crossbows and their use, have been published in many outlets across North America.

Successful black bear hunt

Setting the stage for a bear hunt in Saskatchewan: I have always had a deep appreciation for the province of Saskatchewan and its incredible hunting and fishing opportunities. Once again, I found myself longing to return to the fertile prairie and take on the challenge of engaging with a mature black bear. This time, I would be accompanying two hunters in pursuit of their first black bears, capturing the adventure from behind the camera. Hudson Bay, Saskatchewan, located three hours north of Saskatoon, presented an exciting opportunity to work with a new outfitter in the area, Into the Wild Outfitters.…

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