ALPS OutdoorZ, premiere manufacturer of extreme-duty hunting packs and outdoor gear, continues to expand its waterfowl hunting collection with the introduction of the Mesh Wetland Seat.
Developed to provide a comfortable and stable seating solution for those long days in wet and sloppy field conditions, the new Mesh Wetland Seat features a center pole and three foldable arms supporting a TechMesh seat platform. The durable TechMesh fabric is ideally suited for wet conditions because it allows water to drain and the seat to dry more quickly if it gets wet. Three folding ground arms prevent the seat from sinking into soft soil and enhances stability while the 360-degree swivel provides the hunter with a full range of view and motion with minimal body movement.
The Mesh Wetland Seat has a height adjustment of 24 to 34 inches to accommodate a broad range of hunter sizes and water depths. Additional features include aluminum tubing construction to minimize weight and eliminate rust potential, and a removable over-shoulder carry strap. Total weight is 5 lbs., 4 oz. Learn more.
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