Browsing: Gear
Find new product releases for hunting, fishing, and camping. Read in-depth reviews and tips from expert outdoorsmen to find the best outdoor gear!
Guns are purpose-driven tools. That is something that’s said regularly, and it’s true. When you choose a firearm, you’re selecting…
The Thermion 2 LRF XP50 PRO Thermal Riflescope is an advanced and cutting-edge device that revolutionizes the way hunters and…
“If you build it, they will come.” That famous line from Kevin Costner’s 1989 Movie “A Field of Dreams” was…
Many people believe that good shooters are good shooters regardless of the discipline, but that’s simply not the case. Some…
“Eight inches high, six inches to the left of the bullseye,” I reported, as I looked at the 100-yard target…
Understanding the Difference Between First Focal Plane vs. Second Focal-Plane As long-range shooting and hunting become increasingly popular, many shooters…
Your hunt is over and you may be elated, dejected or somewhere in-between. No matter how you are feeling, what’s…
Having a sidearm may not be the first thing you think of when looking for equipment for hunting. However, it’s…
Armed and Responsible Whether they’re kids or adults, new handgun shooters play a key role in keeping the shooting sports…
Pitting themselves against the wariest wildlife, hunters need to have all their senses at their peak. The trouble is that…