Browsing: Featured
Featured tips and stories for the avid outdoorsman, including the best new outdoor gear releases, hunting and fishing tactics, outdoor adventures, and more!
I didn’t have a wind-speed gauge, but I tried a quick calculation based on how far back inside the pickup…
Over the years, many people have asked me how I became so passionate about hunting. Most women are surprised when…
By Makynna Nuttall / Gord Nuttall Mastering the Skills Necessary for Big-Game Hunting Editor’s note: Need to clarify the role…
How Ashley Wozniak Arrowed the Ohio Buck of Her Dreams Hunter: Ashley Wozniak Buck Score: 162⅜ inches Date of Harvest:…
Even though she’s small, she’s as tough as grit. Even though she’s pretty, she’s as determined as can be. Even…
How is greatness measured? In the world of hunting, either the number of animals taken or perhaps the size of…
It was overcast and the dead-calm air felt heavy as the eastern sky brightened. I pointed to the far end…
Women in the hunting industry are empowering others with educational and informational programs, events and seminars. These events are inspired…
It’s a common theme in the hunting world—and the gun world in general—to assume that it’s the man’s job to…
When my wife first told me seven years ago that we were having a baby, the excitement started to build.…