Browsing: Featured
Featured tips and stories for the avid outdoorsman, including the best new outdoor gear releases, hunting and fishing tactics, outdoor adventures, and more!
My Daughter’s First Hunt, My Great Friends and My Old Kentucky Home It was April 30, 1997, and the night…
As winter descends upon us and lakes begin to freeze, the anticipation of the ice fishing season sets in like…
There’s no question: Whether you choose fishing, hunting, foraging or trapping, becoming a mentor is one of the most rewarding…
Mother Nature provides us with all sorts of opportunities to get outdoors and pursue Whitetail deer, wild turkeys, and even…
Armed and Responsible Whether they’re kids or adults, new handgun shooters play a key role in keeping the shooting sports…
SWM-39 seeks hunting partner who enjoys complete silence and long walks in the woods. Must love cooking and cleaning animals.…
Every time I teach someone to fly cast, they struggle with distance. There are many reasons why that’s the case—from…
If you’re interested in foraging for spring delicacies but don’t know where to begin, this article will point you in…
A recent study conducted in the United States certainly opened some eyes. Testing on more than 1,200 eagles from Alaska…
The early-morning July sunrise lit the way as my wheels hit the pavement heading east to Saskatchewan. Country music played…